Our new exhibition, 70 Objeks & Tings, launches at the Streetlife Museum in Hull on Saturday 2 October – celebrating 70 years of Caribbeans in the UK as part of Black History Month.
The title ’70 Objeks & Tings – Celebrating 70 Years of Caribbeans in the UK’ is a nod to patois, a traditional form of language for many Caribbeans. The objeks & tings refer to the things that Caribbeans, especially those of the Windrush Generation hold dear.
The exhibition is open throughout October (Black History Month) at the Streetlife Museum in Hull.
500 copies of the book accompanying the exhibition are available for free in Hull’s libraries for local people to read and enjoy this Black History Month and beyond. Each chapter is full of fun facts, insights and stories exploring Caribbean Food, Contributions, Homes, Hair, Beauty & Dress and Culture.
In partnership with Hull City Council, Hull Libraries, Hull Museums, the University of Hull, the Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation and Visit Hull and East Yorkshire, 70 Objeks & Tings is a new way to experience the Caribbean.
The exhibition features objects that are synonymous with Caribbean culture.
We want to show the common thread in the stories of all the different peoples that have made their home in Hull, and we hope 70 Objeks & Tings will resonate with all cultures and communities. We are all connected, wherever we are from.
The exhibition also features quotes and stories from Caribbeans who live in the UK.